The Brüno Moive . How a teenage austrain gay boy becoming famous

Photo by Gavin Bond

I just watched the "Brüno" movie premier in Helsinki. It is absolutely a razzle-dazzle hilarious movie. Brüno can’t dance. But his dick CAN. All the audiences burst out laughing when the wide movie screen displays a close-up rolling shaved adult penis for about 30seconds.

Brüno & Alessandra Ambrosio on the Cover

Photo by Gavin Bond

The movie involves fashion, sex, homosexual, politics,wars, human rights, race, celebrity secrets….almost all the hot topics nowadays. By transforming into another character Brüno, Sacha Baron Cohen unquestionably will be the hottest star not only in the movie industry but also in fashion and in the international gay community. He plays the character so real, wondering what kind of person he is off the stage.