Flying Penis!!!! -- Bring erotic into mainstream fashion by Vivienne Westwood

“I'm not trying to do something different, I'm trying to do the same thing but in a different way.” -- Vivienne Westwood

Outrageous, provocative, revolutionary, subversive are the most common words for Vivienne Westwood's fashion design. But sometimes her work is also called perverse, irrelevant, and unwearable. But her work featuring SEX & GAY are definitely the most eye-catching design ;)

Fall/winter 2009 COWBOY T-SHIRT

€98.59 available@hervia

PENIS accessorizes and Jewelery from previous Collection

Vivienne created all her iconic semi-naked cowboys, bare breasts, pornographic text by Alexander Trocchi and other provocative graphics during the "SEX boutique " period, which was run by Malcolm McLaren & Vivienne Westwood at 430 King's Road, London. The shop was opened in 1974 after the name "LET IT ROCK" and "Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die".

"SEX", the the punk, rock, anarchist, fetish and bondage gear shop, which is the original showcase of Vivienne's erotic was closed in 1980. In early 1981 the shop re-opened as World's End. World's End is still open today and Vivienne used it to sell her PIRATES collection.

SEX Boutique & forever Erotic design